
Package cfg

import "cmd/go/internal/cfg"

Overview ▾

Package cfg holds configuration shared by multiple parts of the go command.


const DefaultPkgConfig = `pkg-config`


Global build parameters (used during package load)

var (
    Goos   = envOr("GOOS", build.Default.GOOS)
    Goarch = envOr("GOARCH", build.Default.GOARCH)

    ExeSuffix = exeSuffix()

    // ModulesEnabled specifies whether the go command is running
    // in module-aware mode (as opposed to GOPATH mode).
    // It is equal to modload.Enabled, but not all packages can import modload.
    ModulesEnabled bool

These are general "build flags" used by build and other commands.

var (
    BuildA                 bool     // -a flag
    BuildBuildmode         string   // -buildmode flag
    BuildBuildvcs          = "auto" // -buildvcs flag: "true", "false", or "auto"
    BuildContext           = defaultContext()
    BuildMod               string                  // -mod flag
    BuildModExplicit       bool                    // whether -mod was set explicitly
    BuildModReason         string                  // reason -mod was set, if set by default
    BuildLinkshared        bool                    // -linkshared flag
    BuildMSan              bool                    // -msan flag
    BuildASan              bool                    // -asan flag
    BuildCover             bool                    // -cover flag
    BuildCoverMode         string                  // -covermode flag
    BuildCoverPkg          []string                // -coverpkg flag
    BuildJSON              bool                    // -json flag
    BuildN                 bool                    // -n flag
    BuildO                 string                  // -o flag
    BuildP                 = runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) // -p flag
    BuildPGO               string                  // -pgo flag
    BuildPkgdir            string                  // -pkgdir flag
    BuildRace              bool                    // -race flag
    BuildToolexec          []string                // -toolexec flag
    BuildToolchainName     string
    BuildToolchainCompiler func() string
    BuildToolchainLinker   func() string
    BuildTrimpath          bool // -trimpath flag
    BuildV                 bool // -v flag
    BuildWork              bool // -work flag
    BuildX                 bool // -x flag

    ModCacheRW bool   // -modcacherw flag
    ModFile    string // -modfile flag

    CmdName string // "build", "install", "list", "mod tidy", etc.

    DebugActiongraph  string // -debug-actiongraph flag (undocumented, unstable)
    DebugTrace        string // -debug-trace flag
    DebugRuntimeTrace string // -debug-runtime-trace flag (undocumented, unstable)

    // GoPathError is set when GOPATH is not set. it contains an
    // explanation why GOPATH is unset.
    GoPathError   string
    GOPATHChanged bool
    CGOChanged    bool

Experiment configuration.

var (
    // RawGOEXPERIMENT is the GOEXPERIMENT value set by the user.
    // CleanGOEXPERIMENT is the minimal GOEXPERIMENT value needed to reproduce the
    // experiments enabled by RawGOEXPERIMENT.

    Experiment    *buildcfg.ExperimentFlags
    ExperimentErr error
var (
    GOROOT string

    // Either empty or produced by filepath.Join(GOROOT, …).
    GOROOTbin string
    GOROOTpkg string
    GOROOTsrc string

    GOBIN                           = Getenv("GOBIN")
    GOMODCACHE, GOMODCACHEChanged   = EnvOrAndChanged("GOMODCACHE", gopathDir("pkg/mod"))

    // Used in envcmd.MkEnv and build ID computations.
    GOARM64, _   = EnvOrAndChanged("GOARM64", buildcfg.DefaultGOARM64)
    GOARM, _     = EnvOrAndChanged("GOARM", buildcfg.DefaultGOARM)
    GO386, _     = EnvOrAndChanged("GO386", buildcfg.DefaultGO386)
    GOAMD64, _   = EnvOrAndChanged("GOAMD64", buildcfg.DefaultGOAMD64)
    GOMIPS, _    = EnvOrAndChanged("GOMIPS", buildcfg.DefaultGOMIPS)
    GOMIPS64, _  = EnvOrAndChanged("GOMIPS64", buildcfg.DefaultGOMIPS64)
    GOPPC64, _   = EnvOrAndChanged("GOPPC64", buildcfg.DefaultGOPPC64)
    GORISCV64, _ = EnvOrAndChanged("GORISCV64", buildcfg.DefaultGORISCV64)
    GOWASM, _    = EnvOrAndChanged("GOWASM", fmt.Sprint(buildcfg.GOWASM))

    GOFIPS140, GOFIPS140Changed = EnvOrAndChanged("GOFIPS140", buildcfg.DefaultGOFIPS140)
    GOPROXY, GOPROXYChanged     = EnvOrAndChanged("GOPROXY", "")
    GOSUMDB, GOSUMDBChanged     = EnvOrAndChanged("GOSUMDB", "")
    GOPRIVATE                   = Getenv("GOPRIVATE")
    GOINSECURE                  = Getenv("GOINSECURE")
    GOVCS                       = Getenv("GOVCS")
    GOAUTH, GOAUTHChanged       = EnvOrAndChanged("GOAUTH", "netrc")

CmdEnv is the new environment for running go tool commands. User binaries (during go test or go run) are run with OrigEnv, not CmdEnv.

var CmdEnv []EnvVar

OrigEnv is the original environment of the program at startup.

var OrigEnv []string
var SumdbDir = gopathDir("pkg/sumdb")

func BuildXWriter

func BuildXWriter(ctx context.Context) (io.Writer, bool)

BuildXWriter returns nil if BuildX is false, or the writer to which BuildX output should be written otherwise.

func CanGetenv

func CanGetenv(key string) bool

CanGetenv reports whether key is a valid go/env configuration key.

func DefaultCC

func DefaultCC(goos, goarch string) string

func DefaultCXX

func DefaultCXX(goos, goarch string) string

func EnvFile

func EnvFile() (string, bool, error)

EnvFile returns the name of the Go environment configuration file, and reports whether the effective value differs from the default.

func EnvOrAndChanged

func EnvOrAndChanged(name, def string) (v string, changed bool)

EnvOrAndChanged returns the environment variable value and reports whether it differs from the default value.

func GetArchEnv

func GetArchEnv() (key, val string, changed bool)

GetArchEnv returns the name and setting of the GOARCH-specific architecture environment variable. If the current architecture has no GOARCH-specific variable, GetArchEnv returns empty key and value.

func Getenv

func Getenv(key string) string

Getenv gets the value for the configuration key. It consults the operating system environment and then the go/env file. If Getenv is called for a key that cannot be set in the go/env file (for example GODEBUG), it panics. This ensures that CanGetenv is accurate, so that 'go env -w' stays in sync with what Getenv can retrieve.

func SetGOROOT

func SetGOROOT(goroot string, isTestGo bool)

SetGOROOT sets GOROOT and associated variables to the given values.

If isTestGo is true, build.ToolDir is set based on the TESTGO_GOHOSTOS and TESTGO_GOHOSTARCH environment variables instead of runtime.GOOS and runtime.GOARCH.

func ToolExeSuffix

func ToolExeSuffix() string

ToolExeSuffix returns the suffix for executables installed in build.ToolDir.

func WithBuildXWriter

func WithBuildXWriter(ctx context.Context, xLog io.Writer) context.Context

WithBuildXWriter returns a Context in which BuildX output is written to given io.Writer.

type EnvVar

An EnvVar is an environment variable Name=Value.

type EnvVar struct {
    Name    string
    Value   string
    Changed bool // effective Value differs from default