
Text file src/cmd/go/testdata/script/install_cleans_build.txt

Documentation: cmd/go/testdata/script

     1env GO111MODULE=off
     2[short] skip
     4# 'go install' with no arguments should clean up after go build
     5cd mycmd
     6go build
     7exists mycmd$GOEXE
     8go install
     9! exists mycmd$GOEXE
    11# 'go install mycmd' does not clean up, even in the mycmd directory
    12go build
    13exists mycmd$GOEXE
    14go install mycmd
    15exists mycmd$GOEXE
    17# 'go install mycmd' should not clean up in an unrelated current directory either
    18cd ..
    19cp mycmd/mycmd$GOEXE mycmd$GOEXE
    20go install mycmd
    21exists mycmd$GOEXE
    23-- mycmd/main.go --
    24package main
    25func main() {}

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