
Text file src/cmd/go/testdata/script/mod_cache_rw.txt

Documentation: cmd/go/testdata/script

     1# Regression test for golang.org/issue/31481.
     3env GO111MODULE=on
     5# golang.org/issue/31481: an explicit flag should make directories in the module
     6# cache writable in order to work around the historical inability of 'rm -rf' to
     7# forcibly remove files in unwritable directories.
     8go get -modcacherw rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2
     9cp $WORK/extraneous.txt $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/extraneous_file.go
    11# After adding an extraneous file, 'go mod verify' should fail.
    12! go mod verify
    14# However, files within those directories should still be read-only to avoid
    15# accidental mutations.
    16[!root] ! cp $WORK/extraneous.txt $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/go.mod
    18# If all 'go' commands ran with the flag, the system's 'rm' binary
    19# should be able to remove the module cache if the '-rf' flags are set.
    20[!GOOS:windows] [exec:rm] exec rm -rf $GOPATH/pkg/mod
    21[!GOOS:windows] [!exec:rm] go clean -modcache
    22[GOOS:windows] [exec:cmd.exe] exec cmd.exe /c rmdir /s /q $GOPATH\pkg\mod
    23[GOOS:windows] [!exec:cmd.exe] go clean -modcache
    24! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod
    26# The directories in the module cache should by default be unwritable,
    27# so that tests and tools will not accidentally add extraneous files to them.
    28# Windows does not respect FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY on directories, according
    29# to MSDN, so there we disable testing whether the directory itself is
    30# unwritable.
    31go get rsc.io/quote@latest
    32[!root] ! cp $WORK/extraneous.txt $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/go.mod
    33[!GOOS:windows] [!root] ! cp $WORK/extraneous.txt $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/extraneous_file.go
    34! exists $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/extraneous_file.go
    37# Repeat part of the test with 'go mod download' instead of 'go get' to verify
    38# -modcacherw is supported on 'go mod' subcommands.
    39go clean -modcache
    40go mod download -modcacherw rsc.io/quote
    41cp $WORK/extraneous.txt $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/extraneous_file.go
    42! go mod verify
    43[!root] ! cp $WORK/extraneous.txt $GOPATH/pkg/mod/rsc.io/quote@v1.5.2/go.mod
    46-- $WORK/extraneous.txt --
    47module oops
    48-- go.mod --
    49module golang.org/issue/31481

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