
Text file src/cmd/go/testdata/script/mod_init_tidy.txt

Documentation: cmd/go/testdata/script

     1# 'go mod init' should not recommend 'go mod tidy' in an empty directory
     2# (one that contains no non-hidden .go files or subdirectories).
     3cd empty
     4go mod init m
     5! stderr tidy
     6cd ..
     8# 'go mod init' should recommend 'go mod tidy' if the directory has a .go file.
     9cd pkginroot
    10go mod init m
    11stderr '^go: to add module requirements and sums:\n\tgo mod tidy$'
    12cd ..
    14# 'go mod init' should recommend 'go mod tidy' if the directory has a
    15# subdirectory. We don't walk the tree to see if it has .go files.
    16cd subdir
    17go mod init m
    18stderr '^go: to add module requirements and sums:\n\tgo mod tidy$'
    19cd ..
    21-- empty/empty.txt --
    22Not a .go file. Still counts as an empty project.
    23-- empty/.hidden/empty.go --
    24File in hidden directory. Still as an empty project.
    25-- empty/_hidden/empty.go --
    26File in hidden directory. Still as an empty project.
    27-- pkginroot/hello.go --
    28package vendorimport
    29-- subdir/sub/empty.txt --
    30Subdirectory doesn't need to contain a package.

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