
Source file src/crypto/internal/mlkem768/mlkem768.go

Documentation: crypto/internal/mlkem768

     1  // Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  // Package mlkem768 implements the quantum-resistant key encapsulation method
     6  // ML-KEM (formerly known as Kyber).
     7  //
     8  // Only the recommended ML-KEM-768 parameter set is provided.
     9  //
    10  // The version currently implemented is the one specified by [NIST FIPS 203 ipd],
    11  // with the unintentional transposition of the matrix A reverted to match the
    12  // behavior of [Kyber version 3.0]. Future versions of this package might
    13  // introduce backwards incompatible changes to implement changes to FIPS 203.
    14  //
    15  // [Kyber version 3.0]: https://pq-crystals.org/kyber/data/kyber-specification-round3-20210804.pdf
    16  // [NIST FIPS 203 ipd]: https://doi.org/10.6028/NIST.FIPS.203.ipd
    17  package mlkem768
    19  // This package targets security, correctness, simplicity, readability, and
    20  // reviewability as its primary goals. All critical operations are performed in
    21  // constant time.
    22  //
    23  // Variable and function names, as well as code layout, are selected to
    24  // facilitate reviewing the implementation against the NIST FIPS 203 ipd
    25  // document.
    26  //
    27  // Reviewers unfamiliar with polynomials or linear algebra might find the
    28  // background at https://words.filippo.io/kyber-math/ useful.
    30  import (
    31  	"crypto/rand"
    32  	"crypto/subtle"
    33  	"errors"
    34  	"internal/byteorder"
    36  	"golang.org/x/crypto/sha3"
    37  )
    39  const (
    40  	// ML-KEM global constants.
    41  	n = 256
    42  	q = 3329
    44  	log2q = 12
    46  	// ML-KEM-768 parameters. The code makes assumptions based on these values,
    47  	// they can't be changed blindly.
    48  	k  = 3
    49  	η  = 2
    50  	du = 10
    51  	dv = 4
    53  	// encodingSizeX is the byte size of a ringElement or nttElement encoded
    54  	// by ByteEncode_X (FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4).
    55  	encodingSize12 = n * log2q / 8
    56  	encodingSize10 = n * du / 8
    57  	encodingSize4  = n * dv / 8
    58  	encodingSize1  = n * 1 / 8
    60  	messageSize       = encodingSize1
    61  	decryptionKeySize = k * encodingSize12
    62  	encryptionKeySize = k*encodingSize12 + 32
    64  	CiphertextSize       = k*encodingSize10 + encodingSize4
    65  	EncapsulationKeySize = encryptionKeySize
    66  	DecapsulationKeySize = decryptionKeySize + encryptionKeySize + 32 + 32
    67  	SharedKeySize        = 32
    68  	SeedSize             = 32 + 32
    69  )
    71  // A DecapsulationKey is the secret key used to decapsulate a shared key from a
    72  // ciphertext. It includes various precomputed values.
    73  type DecapsulationKey struct {
    74  	dk [DecapsulationKeySize]byte
    75  	encryptionKey
    76  	decryptionKey
    77  }
    79  // Bytes returns the extended encoding of the decapsulation key, according to
    80  // FIPS 203 (DRAFT).
    81  func (dk *DecapsulationKey) Bytes() []byte {
    82  	var b [DecapsulationKeySize]byte
    83  	copy(b[:], dk.dk[:])
    84  	return b[:]
    85  }
    87  // EncapsulationKey returns the public encapsulation key necessary to produce
    88  // ciphertexts.
    89  func (dk *DecapsulationKey) EncapsulationKey() []byte {
    90  	var b [EncapsulationKeySize]byte
    91  	copy(b[:], dk.dk[decryptionKeySize:])
    92  	return b[:]
    93  }
    95  // encryptionKey is the parsed and expanded form of a PKE encryption key.
    96  type encryptionKey struct {
    97  	t [k]nttElement     // ByteDecode₁₂(ek[:384k])
    98  	A [k * k]nttElement // A[i*k+j] = sampleNTT(ρ, j, i)
    99  }
   101  // decryptionKey is the parsed and expanded form of a PKE decryption key.
   102  type decryptionKey struct {
   103  	s [k]nttElement // ByteDecode₁₂(dk[:decryptionKeySize])
   104  }
   106  // GenerateKey generates a new decapsulation key, drawing random bytes from
   107  // crypto/rand. The decapsulation key must be kept secret.
   108  func GenerateKey() (*DecapsulationKey, error) {
   109  	// The actual logic is in a separate function to outline this allocation.
   110  	dk := &DecapsulationKey{}
   111  	return generateKey(dk)
   112  }
   114  func generateKey(dk *DecapsulationKey) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {
   115  	var d [32]byte
   116  	if _, err := rand.Read(d[:]); err != nil {
   117  		return nil, errors.New("mlkem768: crypto/rand Read failed: " + err.Error())
   118  	}
   119  	var z [32]byte
   120  	if _, err := rand.Read(z[:]); err != nil {
   121  		return nil, errors.New("mlkem768: crypto/rand Read failed: " + err.Error())
   122  	}
   123  	return kemKeyGen(dk, &d, &z), nil
   124  }
   126  // NewKeyFromSeed deterministically generates a decapsulation key from a 64-byte
   127  // seed in the "d || z" form. The seed must be uniformly random.
   128  func NewKeyFromSeed(seed []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {
   129  	// The actual logic is in a separate function to outline this allocation.
   130  	dk := &DecapsulationKey{}
   131  	return newKeyFromSeed(dk, seed)
   132  }
   134  func newKeyFromSeed(dk *DecapsulationKey, seed []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {
   135  	if len(seed) != SeedSize {
   136  		return nil, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid seed length")
   137  	}
   138  	d := (*[32]byte)(seed[:32])
   139  	z := (*[32]byte)(seed[32:])
   140  	return kemKeyGen(dk, d, z), nil
   141  }
   143  // NewKeyFromExtendedEncoding parses a decapsulation key from its FIPS 203
   144  // (DRAFT) extended encoding.
   145  func NewKeyFromExtendedEncoding(decapsulationKey []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {
   146  	// The actual logic is in a separate function to outline this allocation.
   147  	dk := &DecapsulationKey{}
   148  	return newKeyFromExtendedEncoding(dk, decapsulationKey)
   149  }
   151  func newKeyFromExtendedEncoding(dk *DecapsulationKey, dkBytes []byte) (*DecapsulationKey, error) {
   152  	if len(dkBytes) != DecapsulationKeySize {
   153  		return nil, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid decapsulation key length")
   154  	}
   156  	// Note that we don't check that H(ek) matches ekPKE, as that's not
   157  	// specified in FIPS 203 (DRAFT). This is one reason to prefer the seed
   158  	// private key format.
   159  	dk.dk = [DecapsulationKeySize]byte(dkBytes)
   161  	dkPKE := dkBytes[:decryptionKeySize]
   162  	if err := parseDK(&dk.decryptionKey, dkPKE); err != nil {
   163  		return nil, err
   164  	}
   166  	ekPKE := dkBytes[decryptionKeySize : decryptionKeySize+encryptionKeySize]
   167  	if err := parseEK(&dk.encryptionKey, ekPKE); err != nil {
   168  		return nil, err
   169  	}
   171  	return dk, nil
   172  }
   174  // kemKeyGen generates a decapsulation key.
   175  //
   176  // It implements ML-KEM.KeyGen according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 15, and
   177  // K-PKE.KeyGen according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 12. The two are merged
   178  // to save copies and allocations.
   179  func kemKeyGen(dk *DecapsulationKey, d, z *[32]byte) *DecapsulationKey {
   180  	if dk == nil {
   181  		dk = &DecapsulationKey{}
   182  	}
   184  	G := sha3.Sum512(d[:])
   185  	ρ, σ := G[:32], G[32:]
   187  	A := &dk.A
   188  	for i := byte(0); i < k; i++ {
   189  		for j := byte(0); j < k; j++ {
   190  			// Note that this is consistent with Kyber round 3, rather than with
   191  			// the initial draft of FIPS 203, because NIST signaled that the
   192  			// change was involuntary and will be reverted.
   193  			A[i*k+j] = sampleNTT(ρ, j, i)
   194  		}
   195  	}
   197  	var N byte
   198  	s := &dk.s
   199  	for i := range s {
   200  		s[i] = ntt(samplePolyCBD(σ, N))
   201  		N++
   202  	}
   203  	e := make([]nttElement, k)
   204  	for i := range e {
   205  		e[i] = ntt(samplePolyCBD(σ, N))
   206  		N++
   207  	}
   209  	t := &dk.t
   210  	for i := range t { // t = A ◦ s + e
   211  		t[i] = e[i]
   212  		for j := range s {
   213  			t[i] = polyAdd(t[i], nttMul(A[i*k+j], s[j]))
   214  		}
   215  	}
   217  	// dkPKE ← ByteEncode₁₂(s)
   218  	// ekPKE ← ByteEncode₁₂(t) || ρ
   219  	// ek ← ekPKE
   220  	// dk ← dkPKE || ek || H(ek) || z
   221  	dkB := dk.dk[:0]
   223  	for i := range s {
   224  		dkB = polyByteEncode(dkB, s[i])
   225  	}
   227  	for i := range t {
   228  		dkB = polyByteEncode(dkB, t[i])
   229  	}
   230  	dkB = append(dkB, ρ...)
   232  	H := sha3.New256()
   233  	H.Write(dkB[decryptionKeySize:])
   234  	dkB = H.Sum(dkB)
   236  	dkB = append(dkB, z[:]...)
   238  	if len(dkB) != len(dk.dk) {
   239  		panic("mlkem768: internal error: invalid decapsulation key size")
   240  	}
   242  	return dk
   243  }
   245  // Encapsulate generates a shared key and an associated ciphertext from an
   246  // encapsulation key, drawing random bytes from crypto/rand.
   247  // If the encapsulation key is not valid, Encapsulate returns an error.
   248  //
   249  // The shared key must be kept secret.
   250  func Encapsulate(encapsulationKey []byte) (ciphertext, sharedKey []byte, err error) {
   251  	// The actual logic is in a separate function to outline this allocation.
   252  	var cc [CiphertextSize]byte
   253  	return encapsulate(&cc, encapsulationKey)
   254  }
   256  func encapsulate(cc *[CiphertextSize]byte, encapsulationKey []byte) (ciphertext, sharedKey []byte, err error) {
   257  	if len(encapsulationKey) != EncapsulationKeySize {
   258  		return nil, nil, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid encapsulation key length")
   259  	}
   260  	var m [messageSize]byte
   261  	if _, err := rand.Read(m[:]); err != nil {
   262  		return nil, nil, errors.New("mlkem768: crypto/rand Read failed: " + err.Error())
   263  	}
   264  	return kemEncaps(cc, encapsulationKey, &m)
   265  }
   267  // kemEncaps generates a shared key and an associated ciphertext.
   268  //
   269  // It implements ML-KEM.Encaps according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 16.
   270  func kemEncaps(cc *[CiphertextSize]byte, ek []byte, m *[messageSize]byte) (c, K []byte, err error) {
   271  	if cc == nil {
   272  		cc = &[CiphertextSize]byte{}
   273  	}
   275  	H := sha3.Sum256(ek[:])
   276  	g := sha3.New512()
   277  	g.Write(m[:])
   278  	g.Write(H[:])
   279  	G := g.Sum(nil)
   280  	K, r := G[:SharedKeySize], G[SharedKeySize:]
   281  	var ex encryptionKey
   282  	if err := parseEK(&ex, ek[:]); err != nil {
   283  		return nil, nil, err
   284  	}
   285  	c = pkeEncrypt(cc, &ex, m, r)
   286  	return c, K, nil
   287  }
   289  // parseEK parses an encryption key from its encoded form.
   290  //
   291  // It implements the initial stages of K-PKE.Encrypt according to FIPS 203
   292  // (DRAFT), Algorithm 13.
   293  func parseEK(ex *encryptionKey, ekPKE []byte) error {
   294  	if len(ekPKE) != encryptionKeySize {
   295  		return errors.New("mlkem768: invalid encryption key length")
   296  	}
   298  	for i := range ex.t {
   299  		var err error
   300  		ex.t[i], err = polyByteDecode[nttElement](ekPKE[:encodingSize12])
   301  		if err != nil {
   302  			return err
   303  		}
   304  		ekPKE = ekPKE[encodingSize12:]
   305  	}
   306  	ρ := ekPKE
   308  	for i := byte(0); i < k; i++ {
   309  		for j := byte(0); j < k; j++ {
   310  			// See the note in pkeKeyGen about the order of the indices being
   311  			// consistent with Kyber round 3.
   312  			ex.A[i*k+j] = sampleNTT(ρ, j, i)
   313  		}
   314  	}
   316  	return nil
   317  }
   319  // pkeEncrypt encrypt a plaintext message.
   320  //
   321  // It implements K-PKE.Encrypt according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 13,
   322  // although the computation of t and AT is done in parseEK.
   323  func pkeEncrypt(cc *[CiphertextSize]byte, ex *encryptionKey, m *[messageSize]byte, rnd []byte) []byte {
   324  	var N byte
   325  	r, e1 := make([]nttElement, k), make([]ringElement, k)
   326  	for i := range r {
   327  		r[i] = ntt(samplePolyCBD(rnd, N))
   328  		N++
   329  	}
   330  	for i := range e1 {
   331  		e1[i] = samplePolyCBD(rnd, N)
   332  		N++
   333  	}
   334  	e2 := samplePolyCBD(rnd, N)
   336  	u := make([]ringElement, k) // NTT⁻¹(AT ◦ r) + e1
   337  	for i := range u {
   338  		u[i] = e1[i]
   339  		for j := range r {
   340  			// Note that i and j are inverted, as we need the transposed of A.
   341  			u[i] = polyAdd(u[i], inverseNTT(nttMul(ex.A[j*k+i], r[j])))
   342  		}
   343  	}
   345  	μ := ringDecodeAndDecompress1(m)
   347  	var vNTT nttElement // t⊺ ◦ r
   348  	for i := range ex.t {
   349  		vNTT = polyAdd(vNTT, nttMul(ex.t[i], r[i]))
   350  	}
   351  	v := polyAdd(polyAdd(inverseNTT(vNTT), e2), μ)
   353  	c := cc[:0]
   354  	for _, f := range u {
   355  		c = ringCompressAndEncode10(c, f)
   356  	}
   357  	c = ringCompressAndEncode4(c, v)
   359  	return c
   360  }
   362  // Decapsulate generates a shared key from a ciphertext and a decapsulation key.
   363  // If the ciphertext is not valid, Decapsulate returns an error.
   364  //
   365  // The shared key must be kept secret.
   366  func Decapsulate(dk *DecapsulationKey, ciphertext []byte) (sharedKey []byte, err error) {
   367  	if len(ciphertext) != CiphertextSize {
   368  		return nil, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid ciphertext length")
   369  	}
   370  	c := (*[CiphertextSize]byte)(ciphertext)
   371  	return kemDecaps(dk, c), nil
   372  }
   374  // kemDecaps produces a shared key from a ciphertext.
   375  //
   376  // It implements ML-KEM.Decaps according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 17.
   377  func kemDecaps(dk *DecapsulationKey, c *[CiphertextSize]byte) (K []byte) {
   378  	h := dk.dk[decryptionKeySize+encryptionKeySize : decryptionKeySize+encryptionKeySize+32]
   379  	z := dk.dk[decryptionKeySize+encryptionKeySize+32:]
   381  	m := pkeDecrypt(&dk.decryptionKey, c)
   382  	g := sha3.New512()
   383  	g.Write(m[:])
   384  	g.Write(h)
   385  	G := g.Sum(nil)
   386  	Kprime, r := G[:SharedKeySize], G[SharedKeySize:]
   387  	J := sha3.NewShake256()
   388  	J.Write(z)
   389  	J.Write(c[:])
   390  	Kout := make([]byte, SharedKeySize)
   391  	J.Read(Kout)
   392  	var cc [CiphertextSize]byte
   393  	c1 := pkeEncrypt(&cc, &dk.encryptionKey, (*[32]byte)(m), r)
   395  	subtle.ConstantTimeCopy(subtle.ConstantTimeCompare(c[:], c1), Kout, Kprime)
   396  	return Kout
   397  }
   399  // parseDK parses a decryption key from its encoded form.
   400  //
   401  // It implements the computation of s from K-PKE.Decrypt according to FIPS 203
   402  // (DRAFT), Algorithm 14.
   403  func parseDK(dx *decryptionKey, dkPKE []byte) error {
   404  	if len(dkPKE) != decryptionKeySize {
   405  		return errors.New("mlkem768: invalid decryption key length")
   406  	}
   408  	for i := range dx.s {
   409  		f, err := polyByteDecode[nttElement](dkPKE[:encodingSize12])
   410  		if err != nil {
   411  			return err
   412  		}
   413  		dx.s[i] = f
   414  		dkPKE = dkPKE[encodingSize12:]
   415  	}
   417  	return nil
   418  }
   420  // pkeDecrypt decrypts a ciphertext.
   421  //
   422  // It implements K-PKE.Decrypt according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 14,
   423  // although the computation of s is done in parseDK.
   424  func pkeDecrypt(dx *decryptionKey, c *[CiphertextSize]byte) []byte {
   425  	u := make([]ringElement, k)
   426  	for i := range u {
   427  		b := (*[encodingSize10]byte)(c[encodingSize10*i : encodingSize10*(i+1)])
   428  		u[i] = ringDecodeAndDecompress10(b)
   429  	}
   431  	b := (*[encodingSize4]byte)(c[encodingSize10*k:])
   432  	v := ringDecodeAndDecompress4(b)
   434  	var mask nttElement // s⊺ ◦ NTT(u)
   435  	for i := range dx.s {
   436  		mask = polyAdd(mask, nttMul(dx.s[i], ntt(u[i])))
   437  	}
   438  	w := polySub(v, inverseNTT(mask))
   440  	return ringCompressAndEncode1(nil, w)
   441  }
   443  // fieldElement is an integer modulo q, an element of ℤ_q. It is always reduced.
   444  type fieldElement uint16
   446  // fieldCheckReduced checks that a value a is < q.
   447  func fieldCheckReduced(a uint16) (fieldElement, error) {
   448  	if a >= q {
   449  		return 0, errors.New("unreduced field element")
   450  	}
   451  	return fieldElement(a), nil
   452  }
   454  // fieldReduceOnce reduces a value a < 2q.
   455  func fieldReduceOnce(a uint16) fieldElement {
   456  	x := a - q
   457  	// If x underflowed, then x >= 2¹⁶ - q > 2¹⁵, so the top bit is set.
   458  	x += (x >> 15) * q
   459  	return fieldElement(x)
   460  }
   462  func fieldAdd(a, b fieldElement) fieldElement {
   463  	x := uint16(a + b)
   464  	return fieldReduceOnce(x)
   465  }
   467  func fieldSub(a, b fieldElement) fieldElement {
   468  	x := uint16(a - b + q)
   469  	return fieldReduceOnce(x)
   470  }
   472  const (
   473  	barrettMultiplier = 5039 // 2¹² * 2¹² / q
   474  	barrettShift      = 24   // log₂(2¹² * 2¹²)
   475  )
   477  // fieldReduce reduces a value a < 2q² using Barrett reduction, to avoid
   478  // potentially variable-time division.
   479  func fieldReduce(a uint32) fieldElement {
   480  	quotient := uint32((uint64(a) * barrettMultiplier) >> barrettShift)
   481  	return fieldReduceOnce(uint16(a - quotient*q))
   482  }
   484  func fieldMul(a, b fieldElement) fieldElement {
   485  	x := uint32(a) * uint32(b)
   486  	return fieldReduce(x)
   487  }
   489  // fieldMulSub returns a * (b - c). This operation is fused to save a
   490  // fieldReduceOnce after the subtraction.
   491  func fieldMulSub(a, b, c fieldElement) fieldElement {
   492  	x := uint32(a) * uint32(b-c+q)
   493  	return fieldReduce(x)
   494  }
   496  // fieldAddMul returns a * b + c * d. This operation is fused to save a
   497  // fieldReduceOnce and a fieldReduce.
   498  func fieldAddMul(a, b, c, d fieldElement) fieldElement {
   499  	x := uint32(a) * uint32(b)
   500  	x += uint32(c) * uint32(d)
   501  	return fieldReduce(x)
   502  }
   504  // compress maps a field element uniformly to the range 0 to 2ᵈ-1, according to
   505  // FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5.
   506  func compress(x fieldElement, d uint8) uint16 {
   507  	// We want to compute (x * 2ᵈ) / q, rounded to nearest integer, with 1/2
   508  	// rounding up (see FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Section 2.3).
   510  	// Barrett reduction produces a quotient and a remainder in the range [0, 2q),
   511  	// such that dividend = quotient * q + remainder.
   512  	dividend := uint32(x) << d // x * 2ᵈ
   513  	quotient := uint32(uint64(dividend) * barrettMultiplier >> barrettShift)
   514  	remainder := dividend - quotient*q
   516  	// Since the remainder is in the range [0, 2q), not [0, q), we need to
   517  	// portion it into three spans for rounding.
   518  	//
   519  	//     [ 0,       q/2     ) -> round to 0
   520  	//     [ q/2,     q + q/2 ) -> round to 1
   521  	//     [ q + q/2, 2q      ) -> round to 2
   522  	//
   523  	// We can convert that to the following logic: add 1 if remainder > q/2,
   524  	// then add 1 again if remainder > q + q/2.
   525  	//
   526  	// Note that if remainder > x, then ⌊x⌋ - remainder underflows, and the top
   527  	// bit of the difference will be set.
   528  	quotient += (q/2 - remainder) >> 31 & 1
   529  	quotient += (q + q/2 - remainder) >> 31 & 1
   531  	// quotient might have overflowed at this point, so reduce it by masking.
   532  	var mask uint32 = (1 << d) - 1
   533  	return uint16(quotient & mask)
   534  }
   536  // decompress maps a number x between 0 and 2ᵈ-1 uniformly to the full range of
   537  // field elements, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
   538  func decompress(y uint16, d uint8) fieldElement {
   539  	// We want to compute (y * q) / 2ᵈ, rounded to nearest integer, with 1/2
   540  	// rounding up (see FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Section 2.3).
   542  	dividend := uint32(y) * q
   543  	quotient := dividend >> d // (y * q) / 2ᵈ
   545  	// The d'th least-significant bit of the dividend (the most significant bit
   546  	// of the remainder) is 1 for the top half of the values that divide to the
   547  	// same quotient, which are the ones that round up.
   548  	quotient += dividend >> (d - 1) & 1
   550  	// quotient is at most (2¹¹-1) * q / 2¹¹ + 1 = 3328, so it didn't overflow.
   551  	return fieldElement(quotient)
   552  }
   554  // ringElement is a polynomial, an element of R_q, represented as an array
   555  // according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Section 2.4.
   556  type ringElement [n]fieldElement
   558  // polyAdd adds two ringElements or nttElements.
   559  func polyAdd[T ~[n]fieldElement](a, b T) (s T) {
   560  	for i := range s {
   561  		s[i] = fieldAdd(a[i], b[i])
   562  	}
   563  	return s
   564  }
   566  // polySub subtracts two ringElements or nttElements.
   567  func polySub[T ~[n]fieldElement](a, b T) (s T) {
   568  	for i := range s {
   569  		s[i] = fieldSub(a[i], b[i])
   570  	}
   571  	return s
   572  }
   574  // polyByteEncode appends the 384-byte encoding of f to b.
   575  //
   576  // It implements ByteEncode₁₂, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
   577  func polyByteEncode[T ~[n]fieldElement](b []byte, f T) []byte {
   578  	out, B := sliceForAppend(b, encodingSize12)
   579  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 {
   580  		x := uint32(f[i]) | uint32(f[i+1])<<12
   581  		B[0] = uint8(x)
   582  		B[1] = uint8(x >> 8)
   583  		B[2] = uint8(x >> 16)
   584  		B = B[3:]
   585  	}
   586  	return out
   587  }
   589  // polyByteDecode decodes the 384-byte encoding of a polynomial, checking that
   590  // all the coefficients are properly reduced. This achieves the "Modulus check"
   591  // step of ML-KEM Encapsulation Input Validation.
   592  //
   593  // polyByteDecode is also used in ML-KEM Decapsulation, where the input
   594  // validation is not required, but implicitly allowed by the specification.
   595  //
   596  // It implements ByteDecode₁₂, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5.
   597  func polyByteDecode[T ~[n]fieldElement](b []byte) (T, error) {
   598  	if len(b) != encodingSize12 {
   599  		return T{}, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid encoding length")
   600  	}
   601  	var f T
   602  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 {
   603  		d := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16
   604  		const mask12 = 0b1111_1111_1111
   605  		var err error
   606  		if f[i], err = fieldCheckReduced(uint16(d & mask12)); err != nil {
   607  			return T{}, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid polynomial encoding")
   608  		}
   609  		if f[i+1], err = fieldCheckReduced(uint16(d >> 12)); err != nil {
   610  			return T{}, errors.New("mlkem768: invalid polynomial encoding")
   611  		}
   612  		b = b[3:]
   613  	}
   614  	return f, nil
   615  }
   617  // sliceForAppend takes a slice and a requested number of bytes. It returns a
   618  // slice with the contents of the given slice followed by that many bytes and a
   619  // second slice that aliases into it and contains only the extra bytes. If the
   620  // original slice has sufficient capacity then no allocation is performed.
   621  func sliceForAppend(in []byte, n int) (head, tail []byte) {
   622  	if total := len(in) + n; cap(in) >= total {
   623  		head = in[:total]
   624  	} else {
   625  		head = make([]byte, total)
   626  		copy(head, in)
   627  	}
   628  	tail = head[len(in):]
   629  	return
   630  }
   632  // ringCompressAndEncode1 appends a 32-byte encoding of a ring element to s,
   633  // compressing one coefficients per bit.
   634  //
   635  // It implements Compress₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5,
   636  // followed by ByteEncode₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
   637  func ringCompressAndEncode1(s []byte, f ringElement) []byte {
   638  	s, b := sliceForAppend(s, encodingSize1)
   639  	for i := range b {
   640  		b[i] = 0
   641  	}
   642  	for i := range f {
   643  		b[i/8] |= uint8(compress(f[i], 1) << (i % 8))
   644  	}
   645  	return s
   646  }
   648  // ringDecodeAndDecompress1 decodes a 32-byte slice to a ring element where each
   649  // bit is mapped to 0 or ⌈q/2⌋.
   650  //
   651  // It implements ByteDecode₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5,
   652  // followed by Decompress₁, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
   653  func ringDecodeAndDecompress1(b *[encodingSize1]byte) ringElement {
   654  	var f ringElement
   655  	for i := range f {
   656  		b_i := b[i/8] >> (i % 8) & 1
   657  		const halfQ = (q + 1) / 2        // ⌈q/2⌋, rounded up per FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Section 2.3
   658  		f[i] = fieldElement(b_i) * halfQ // 0 decompresses to 0, and 1 to ⌈q/2⌋
   659  	}
   660  	return f
   661  }
   663  // ringCompressAndEncode4 appends a 128-byte encoding of a ring element to s,
   664  // compressing two coefficients per byte.
   665  //
   666  // It implements Compress₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5,
   667  // followed by ByteEncode₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
   668  func ringCompressAndEncode4(s []byte, f ringElement) []byte {
   669  	s, b := sliceForAppend(s, encodingSize4)
   670  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 {
   671  		b[i/2] = uint8(compress(f[i], 4) | compress(f[i+1], 4)<<4)
   672  	}
   673  	return s
   674  }
   676  // ringDecodeAndDecompress4 decodes a 128-byte encoding of a ring element where
   677  // each four bits are mapped to an equidistant distribution.
   678  //
   679  // It implements ByteDecode₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5,
   680  // followed by Decompress₄, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
   681  func ringDecodeAndDecompress4(b *[encodingSize4]byte) ringElement {
   682  	var f ringElement
   683  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 {
   684  		f[i] = fieldElement(decompress(uint16(b[i/2]&0b1111), 4))
   685  		f[i+1] = fieldElement(decompress(uint16(b[i/2]>>4), 4))
   686  	}
   687  	return f
   688  }
   690  // ringCompressAndEncode10 appends a 320-byte encoding of a ring element to s,
   691  // compressing four coefficients per five bytes.
   692  //
   693  // It implements Compress₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.5,
   694  // followed by ByteEncode₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 4.
   695  func ringCompressAndEncode10(s []byte, f ringElement) []byte {
   696  	s, b := sliceForAppend(s, encodingSize10)
   697  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 4 {
   698  		var x uint64
   699  		x |= uint64(compress(f[i+0], 10))
   700  		x |= uint64(compress(f[i+1], 10)) << 10
   701  		x |= uint64(compress(f[i+2], 10)) << 20
   702  		x |= uint64(compress(f[i+3], 10)) << 30
   703  		b[0] = uint8(x)
   704  		b[1] = uint8(x >> 8)
   705  		b[2] = uint8(x >> 16)
   706  		b[3] = uint8(x >> 24)
   707  		b[4] = uint8(x >> 32)
   708  		b = b[5:]
   709  	}
   710  	return s
   711  }
   713  // ringDecodeAndDecompress10 decodes a 320-byte encoding of a ring element where
   714  // each ten bits are mapped to an equidistant distribution.
   715  //
   716  // It implements ByteDecode₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 5,
   717  // followed by Decompress₁₀, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Definition 4.6.
   718  func ringDecodeAndDecompress10(bb *[encodingSize10]byte) ringElement {
   719  	b := bb[:]
   720  	var f ringElement
   721  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 4 {
   722  		x := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32
   723  		b = b[5:]
   724  		f[i] = fieldElement(decompress(uint16(x>>0&0b11_1111_1111), 10))
   725  		f[i+1] = fieldElement(decompress(uint16(x>>10&0b11_1111_1111), 10))
   726  		f[i+2] = fieldElement(decompress(uint16(x>>20&0b11_1111_1111), 10))
   727  		f[i+3] = fieldElement(decompress(uint16(x>>30&0b11_1111_1111), 10))
   728  	}
   729  	return f
   730  }
   732  // samplePolyCBD draws a ringElement from the special Dη distribution given a
   733  // stream of random bytes generated by the PRF function, according to FIPS 203
   734  // (DRAFT), Algorithm 7 and Definition 4.1.
   735  func samplePolyCBD(s []byte, b byte) ringElement {
   736  	prf := sha3.NewShake256()
   737  	prf.Write(s)
   738  	prf.Write([]byte{b})
   739  	B := make([]byte, 128)
   740  	prf.Read(B)
   742  	// SamplePolyCBD simply draws four (2η) bits for each coefficient, and adds
   743  	// the first two and subtracts the last two.
   745  	var f ringElement
   746  	for i := 0; i < n; i += 2 {
   747  		b := B[i/2]
   748  		b_7, b_6, b_5, b_4 := b>>7, b>>6&1, b>>5&1, b>>4&1
   749  		b_3, b_2, b_1, b_0 := b>>3&1, b>>2&1, b>>1&1, b&1
   750  		f[i] = fieldSub(fieldElement(b_0+b_1), fieldElement(b_2+b_3))
   751  		f[i+1] = fieldSub(fieldElement(b_4+b_5), fieldElement(b_6+b_7))
   752  	}
   753  	return f
   754  }
   756  // nttElement is an NTT representation, an element of T_q, represented as an
   757  // array according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Section 2.4.
   758  type nttElement [n]fieldElement
   760  // gammas are the values ζ^2BitRev7(i)+1 mod q for each index i.
   761  var gammas = [128]fieldElement{17, 3312, 2761, 568, 583, 2746, 2649, 680, 1637, 1692, 723, 2606, 2288, 1041, 1100, 2229, 1409, 1920, 2662, 667, 3281, 48, 233, 3096, 756, 2573, 2156, 1173, 3015, 314, 3050, 279, 1703, 1626, 1651, 1678, 2789, 540, 1789, 1540, 1847, 1482, 952, 2377, 1461, 1868, 2687, 642, 939, 2390, 2308, 1021, 2437, 892, 2388, 941, 733, 2596, 2337, 992, 268, 3061, 641, 2688, 1584, 1745, 2298, 1031, 2037, 1292, 3220, 109, 375, 2954, 2549, 780, 2090, 1239, 1645, 1684, 1063, 2266, 319, 3010, 2773, 556, 757, 2572, 2099, 1230, 561, 2768, 2466, 863, 2594, 735, 2804, 525, 1092, 2237, 403, 2926, 1026, 2303, 1143, 2186, 2150, 1179, 2775, 554, 886, 2443, 1722, 1607, 1212, 2117, 1874, 1455, 1029, 2300, 2110, 1219, 2935, 394, 885, 2444, 2154, 1175}
   763  // nttMul multiplies two nttElements.
   764  //
   765  // It implements MultiplyNTTs, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 10.
   766  func nttMul(f, g nttElement) nttElement {
   767  	var h nttElement
   768  	// We use i += 2 for bounds check elimination. See https://go.dev/issue/66826.
   769  	for i := 0; i < 256; i += 2 {
   770  		a0, a1 := f[i], f[i+1]
   771  		b0, b1 := g[i], g[i+1]
   772  		h[i] = fieldAddMul(a0, b0, fieldMul(a1, b1), gammas[i/2])
   773  		h[i+1] = fieldAddMul(a0, b1, a1, b0)
   774  	}
   775  	return h
   776  }
   778  // zetas are the values ζ^BitRev7(k) mod q for each index k.
   779  var zetas = [128]fieldElement{1, 1729, 2580, 3289, 2642, 630, 1897, 848, 1062, 1919, 193, 797, 2786, 3260, 569, 1746, 296, 2447, 1339, 1476, 3046, 56, 2240, 1333, 1426, 2094, 535, 2882, 2393, 2879, 1974, 821, 289, 331, 3253, 1756, 1197, 2304, 2277, 2055, 650, 1977, 2513, 632, 2865, 33, 1320, 1915, 2319, 1435, 807, 452, 1438, 2868, 1534, 2402, 2647, 2617, 1481, 648, 2474, 3110, 1227, 910, 17, 2761, 583, 2649, 1637, 723, 2288, 1100, 1409, 2662, 3281, 233, 756, 2156, 3015, 3050, 1703, 1651, 2789, 1789, 1847, 952, 1461, 2687, 939, 2308, 2437, 2388, 733, 2337, 268, 641, 1584, 2298, 2037, 3220, 375, 2549, 2090, 1645, 1063, 319, 2773, 757, 2099, 561, 2466, 2594, 2804, 1092, 403, 1026, 1143, 2150, 2775, 886, 1722, 1212, 1874, 1029, 2110, 2935, 885, 2154}
   781  // ntt maps a ringElement to its nttElement representation.
   782  //
   783  // It implements NTT, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 8.
   784  func ntt(f ringElement) nttElement {
   785  	k := 1
   786  	for len := 128; len >= 2; len /= 2 {
   787  		for start := 0; start < 256; start += 2 * len {
   788  			zeta := zetas[k]
   789  			k++
   790  			// Bounds check elimination hint.
   791  			f, flen := f[start:start+len], f[start+len:start+len+len]
   792  			for j := 0; j < len; j++ {
   793  				t := fieldMul(zeta, flen[j])
   794  				flen[j] = fieldSub(f[j], t)
   795  				f[j] = fieldAdd(f[j], t)
   796  			}
   797  		}
   798  	}
   799  	return nttElement(f)
   800  }
   802  // inverseNTT maps a nttElement back to the ringElement it represents.
   803  //
   804  // It implements NTT⁻¹, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT), Algorithm 9.
   805  func inverseNTT(f nttElement) ringElement {
   806  	k := 127
   807  	for len := 2; len <= 128; len *= 2 {
   808  		for start := 0; start < 256; start += 2 * len {
   809  			zeta := zetas[k]
   810  			k--
   811  			// Bounds check elimination hint.
   812  			f, flen := f[start:start+len], f[start+len:start+len+len]
   813  			for j := 0; j < len; j++ {
   814  				t := f[j]
   815  				f[j] = fieldAdd(t, flen[j])
   816  				flen[j] = fieldMulSub(zeta, flen[j], t)
   817  			}
   818  		}
   819  	}
   820  	for i := range f {
   821  		f[i] = fieldMul(f[i], 3303) // 3303 = 128⁻¹ mod q
   822  	}
   823  	return ringElement(f)
   824  }
   826  // sampleNTT draws a uniformly random nttElement from a stream of uniformly
   827  // random bytes generated by the XOF function, according to FIPS 203 (DRAFT),
   828  // Algorithm 6 and Definition 4.2.
   829  func sampleNTT(rho []byte, ii, jj byte) nttElement {
   830  	B := sha3.NewShake128()
   831  	B.Write(rho)
   832  	B.Write([]byte{ii, jj})
   834  	// SampleNTT essentially draws 12 bits at a time from r, interprets them in
   835  	// little-endian, and rejects values higher than q, until it drew 256
   836  	// values. (The rejection rate is approximately 19%.)
   837  	//
   838  	// To do this from a bytes stream, it draws three bytes at a time, and
   839  	// splits them into two uint16 appropriately masked.
   840  	//
   841  	//               r₀              r₁              r₂
   842  	//       |- - - - - - - -|- - - - - - - -|- - - - - - - -|
   843  	//
   844  	//               Uint16(r₀ || r₁)
   845  	//       |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
   846  	//       |- - - - - - - - - - - -|
   847  	//                   d₁
   848  	//
   849  	//                                Uint16(r₁ || r₂)
   850  	//                       |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|
   851  	//                               |- - - - - - - - - - - -|
   852  	//                                           d₂
   853  	//
   854  	// Note that in little-endian, the rightmost bits are the most significant
   855  	// bits (dropped with a mask) and the leftmost bits are the least
   856  	// significant bits (dropped with a right shift).
   858  	var a nttElement
   859  	var j int        // index into a
   860  	var buf [24]byte // buffered reads from B
   861  	off := len(buf)  // index into buf, starts in a "buffer fully consumed" state
   862  	for {
   863  		if off >= len(buf) {
   864  			B.Read(buf[:])
   865  			off = 0
   866  		}
   867  		d1 := byteorder.LeUint16(buf[off:]) & 0b1111_1111_1111
   868  		d2 := byteorder.LeUint16(buf[off+1:]) >> 4
   869  		off += 3
   870  		if d1 < q {
   871  			a[j] = fieldElement(d1)
   872  			j++
   873  		}
   874  		if j >= len(a) {
   875  			break
   876  		}
   877  		if d2 < q {
   878  			a[j] = fieldElement(d2)
   879  			j++
   880  		}
   881  		if j >= len(a) {
   882  			break
   883  		}
   884  	}
   885  	return a
   886  }

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