
Source file src/crypto/purego_test.go

Documentation: crypto

     1  // Copyright 2024 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package crypto_test
     7  import (
     8  	"go/build"
     9  	"internal/testenv"
    10  	"log"
    11  	"os"
    12  	"os/exec"
    13  	"strings"
    14  	"testing"
    15  )
    17  // TestPureGoTag checks that when built with the purego build tag, crypto
    18  // packages don't require any assembly. This is used by alternative compilers
    19  // such as TinyGo. See also the "crypto/...:purego" test in cmd/dist, which
    20  // ensures the packages build correctly.
    21  func TestPureGoTag(t *testing.T) {
    22  	cmd := exec.Command(testenv.GoToolPath(t), "list", "-e", "crypto/...", "math/big")
    23  	cmd.Env = append(cmd.Env, "GOOS=linux")
    24  	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
    25  	out, err := cmd.Output()
    26  	if err != nil {
    27  		log.Fatalf("loading package list: %v\n%s", err, out)
    28  	}
    29  	pkgs := strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n")
    31  	cmd = exec.Command(testenv.GoToolPath(t), "tool", "dist", "list")
    32  	cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
    33  	out, err = cmd.Output()
    34  	if err != nil {
    35  		log.Fatalf("loading architecture list: %v\n%s", err, out)
    36  	}
    37  	allGOARCH := make(map[string]bool)
    38  	for _, pair := range strings.Split(strings.TrimSpace(string(out)), "\n") {
    39  		GOARCH := strings.Split(pair, "/")[1]
    40  		allGOARCH[GOARCH] = true
    41  	}
    43  	for _, pkgName := range pkgs {
    44  		if strings.Contains(pkgName, "/boring") {
    45  			continue
    46  		}
    48  		for GOARCH := range allGOARCH {
    49  			context := build.Context{
    50  				GOOS:      "linux", // darwin has custom assembly
    51  				GOARCH:    GOARCH,
    52  				GOROOT:    testenv.GOROOT(t),
    53  				Compiler:  build.Default.Compiler,
    54  				BuildTags: []string{"purego", "math_big_pure_go"},
    55  			}
    57  			pkg, err := context.Import(pkgName, "", 0)
    58  			if err != nil {
    59  				t.Fatal(err)
    60  			}
    61  			if len(pkg.SFiles) == 0 {
    62  				continue
    63  			}
    64  			t.Errorf("package %s has purego assembly files on %s: %v", pkgName, GOARCH, pkg.SFiles)
    65  		}
    66  	}
    67  }

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