
Text file src/crypto/tls/bogo_config.json

Documentation: crypto/tls

     2    "DisabledTests": {
     3        "*-Async": "We don't support boringssl concept of async",
     5        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-NoClientCertificate-TLS12": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
     6        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-TLS12": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
     7        "TLS-ECH-Client-TLS12-RejectRetryConfigs": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
     8        "TLS-ECH-Client-Rejected-OverrideName-TLS12": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
     9        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-TLS12-NoFalseStart": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
    10        "TLS-ECH-Client-TLS12SessionTicket": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
    11        "TLS-ECH-Client-TLS12SessionID": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled",
    13        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-ResumeInnerSession-TLS12": "We won't attempt to negotiate 1.2 if ECH is enabled (we could possibly test this if we had the ability to indicate not to send ECH on resumption?)",
    15        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-EarlyDataRejected": "We don't support switiching out ECH configs with this level of granularity",
    17        "TLS-ECH-Client-NoNPN": "We don't support NPN",
    19        "TLS-ECH-Client-ChannelID": "We don't support sending channel ID",
    20        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-NoChannelID-TLS13": "We don't support sending channel ID",
    21        "TLS-ECH-Client-Reject-NoChannelID-TLS12": "We don't support sending channel ID",
    23        "TLS-ECH-Client-GREASE-IgnoreHRRExtension": "We don't support ECH GREASE because we don't fallback to plaintext",
    24        "TLS-ECH-Client-NoSupportedConfigs-GREASE": "We don't support ECH GREASE because we don't fallback to plaintext",
    25        "TLS-ECH-Client-GREASEExtensions": "We don't support ECH GREASE because we don't fallback to plaintext",
    26        "TLS-ECH-Client-GREASE-NoOverrideName": "We don't support ECH GREASE because we don't fallback to plaintext",
    28        "TLS-ECH-Client-UnsolicitedInnerServerNameAck": "We don't allow sending empty SNI without skipping certificate verification, TODO: could add special flag to bogo to indicate 'empty sni'",
    30        "TLS-ECH-Client-NoSupportedConfigs": "We don't support fallback to cleartext when there are no valid ECH configs",
    31        "TLS-ECH-Client-SkipInvalidPublicName": "We don't support fallback to cleartext when there are no valid ECH configs",
    34        "*ECH-Server*": "no ECH server support",
    35        "SendV2ClientHello*": "We don't support SSLv2",
    36        "*QUIC*": "No QUIC support",
    37        "Compliance-fips*": "No FIPS",
    38        "*DTLS*": "No DTLS",
    39        "SendEmptyRecords*": "crypto/tls doesn't implement spam protections",
    40        "SendWarningAlerts*": "crypto/tls doesn't implement spam protections",
    41        "TooManyKeyUpdates": "crypto/tls doesn't implement spam protections (TODO: I think?)",
    42        "KyberNotEnabledByDefaultInClients": "crypto/tls intentionally enables it",
    43        "JustConfiguringKyberWorks": "we always send a X25519 key share with Kyber",
    44        "KyberKeyShareIncludedSecond": "we always send the Kyber key share first",
    45        "KyberKeyShareIncludedThird": "we always send the Kyber key share first",
    46        "SkipNewSessionTicket": "TODO confusing? maybe bug",
    47        "SendUserCanceledAlerts*": "TODO may be a real bug?",
    48        "GREASE-Server-TLS13": "TODO ???",
    49        "GarbageCertificate*": "TODO ask davidben, alertDecode vs alertBadCertificate",
    50        "SendBogusAlertType": "sending wrong alert type",
    51        "EchoTLS13CompatibilitySessionID": "TODO reject compat session ID",
    52        "*Client-P-224*": "no P-224 support",
    53        "*Server-P-224*": "no P-224 support",
    54        "CurveID-Resume*": "unexposed curveID is not stored in the ticket yet",
    55        "CheckLeafCurve": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    56        "DisabledCurve-HelloRetryRequest-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    57        "UnsupportedCurve": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    58        "SupportTicketsWithSessionID": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    59        "NoNullCompression-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    60        "KeyUpdate-RequestACK": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    61        "TLS13-HRR-InvalidCompressionMethod": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    62        "InvalidCompressionMethod": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    63        "TLS-TLS12-RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    64        "TLS-TLS1-RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    65        "TLS-TLS11-RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    66        "TLS-TLS12-RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    67        "TLS-TLS12-RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    68        "TLS-TLS1-RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    69        "TLS-TLS11-RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    70        "TLS-TLS12-RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    71        "TLS-TLS12-ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256-LargeRecord": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    72        "RequireAnyClientCertificate-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    73        "RequireAnyClientCertificate-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    74        "RequireAnyClientCertificate-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    75        "ClientHelloVersionTooHigh": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    76        "MinorVersionTolerance": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    77        "IgnoreClientVersionOrder": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    78        "SupportedVersionSelection-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    79        "MajorVersionTolerance": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    80        "DuplicateExtensionServer-TLS-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    81        "DuplicateExtensionClient-TLS-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    82        "UnsolicitedServerNameAck-TLS-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    83        "TicketSessionIDLength-33-TLS-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    84        "DuplicateExtensionServer-TLS-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    85        "DuplicateExtensionClient-TLS-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    86        "UnsolicitedServerNameAck-TLS-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    87        "TicketSessionIDLength-33-TLS-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    88        "DuplicateExtensionServer-TLS-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    89        "DuplicateExtensionClient-TLS-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    90        "UnsolicitedServerNameAck-TLS-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    91        "TicketSessionIDLength-33-TLS-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    92        "DuplicateExtensionClient-TLS-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    93        "DuplicateExtensionServer-TLS-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    94        "UnsolicitedServerNameAck-TLS-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    95        "RenegotiationInfo-Forbidden-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    96        "EMS-Forbidden-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    97        "SendUnsolicitedOCSPOnCertificate-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    98        "SendUnsolicitedSCTOnCertificate-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
    99        "SendUnknownExtensionOnCertificate-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   100        "Resume-Server-NoTickets-TLS1-TLS1-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   101        "Resume-Server-NoTickets-TLS11-TLS11-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   102        "Resume-Server-NoTickets-TLS12-TLS12-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   103        "Resume-Server-NoPSKBinder": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   104        "Resume-Server-PSKBinderFirstExtension": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   105        "Resume-Server-PSKBinderFirstExtension-SecondBinder": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   106        "Resume-Server-NoPSKBinder-SecondBinder": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   107        "Resume-Server-OmitPSKsOnSecondClientHello": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   108        "Renegotiate-Server-Forbidden": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   109        "Renegotiate-Client-Forbidden-1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   110        "Client-Sign-RSA_PKCS1_SHA1-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   111        "Client-Sign-RSA_PKCS1_SHA256-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   112        "Client-Sign-RSA_PKCS1_SHA384-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   113        "Client-Sign-RSA_PKCS1_SHA512-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   114        "Client-Sign-ECDSA_SHA1-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   115        "Client-Sign-ECDSA_P224_SHA256-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   116        "ClientAuth-NoFallback-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   117        "ClientAuth-NoFallback-ECDSA": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   118        "ClientAuth-NoFallback-RSA": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   119        "ECDSACurveMismatch-Verify-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   120        "Ed25519DefaultDisable-NoAdvertise": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   121        "Ed25519DefaultDisable-NoAccept": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   122        "NoCommonSignatureAlgorithms-TLS12-Fallback": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   123        "UnknownExtension-Client": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   124        "UnknownUnencryptedExtension-Client-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   125        "UnofferedExtension-Client-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   126        "UnknownExtension-Client-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   127        "SendClientVersion-RSA": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   128        "NoCommonCurves": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   129        "PointFormat-EncryptedExtensions-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   130        "PointFormat-Client-MissingUncompressed": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   131        "TLS13-SendNoKEMModesWithPSK-Server": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   132        "TLS13-DuplicateTicketEarlyDataSupport": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   133        "Basic-Client-NoTicket-TLS-Sync": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   134        "Basic-Server-RSA-TLS-Sync": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   135        "Basic-Client-NoTicket-TLS-Sync-SplitHandshakeRecords": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   136        "Basic-Server-RSA-TLS-Sync-SplitHandshakeRecords": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   137        "Basic-Client-NoTicket-TLS-Sync-PackHandshake": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   138        "Basic-Server-RSA-TLS-Sync-PackHandshake": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   139        "PartialSecondClientHelloAfterFirst": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   140        "PartialServerHelloWithHelloRetryRequest": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   141        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Server-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   142        "PartialClientKeyExchangeWithClientHello": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   143        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Server-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   144        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Client-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   145        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Client-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   146        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Client-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   147        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Client-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   148        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Client-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   149        "PartialNewSessionTicketWithServerHelloDone": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   150        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Server-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   151        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Server-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   152        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Server-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   153        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Client-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   154        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Server-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   155        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Client-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   156        "TrailingDataWithFinished-Resume-Client-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   157        "TrailingMessageData-ClientHello-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   158        "TrailingMessageData-ServerHello-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   159        "TrailingMessageData-ServerCertificate-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   160        "TrailingMessageData-ServerHelloDone-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   161        "TrailingMessageData-ServerKeyExchange-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   162        "TrailingMessageData-CertificateRequest-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   163        "TrailingMessageData-CertificateVerify-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   164        "TrailingMessageData-ServerFinished-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   165        "TrailingMessageData-ClientKeyExchange-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   166        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-ClientHello-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   167        "TrailingMessageData-ClientFinished-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   168        "TrailingMessageData-NewSessionTicket-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   169        "TrailingMessageData-ClientCertificate-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   170        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-CertificateRequest-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   171        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-ServerCertificateVerify-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   172        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-EncryptedExtensions-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   173        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-ClientCertificate-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   174        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-ClientCertificateVerify-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   175        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-ServerCertificate-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   176        "ResumeTLS12SessionID-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   177        "SkipEarlyData-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   178        "DuplicateKeyShares-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   179        "Server-TooLongSessionID-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   180        "Client-TooLongSessionID": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   181        "Client-ShortSessionID": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   182        "TLS12NoSessionID-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   183        "Server-TooLongSessionID-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   184        "EmptyEncryptedExtensions-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   185        "SkipEarlyData-SecondClientHelloEarlyData-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   186        "EncryptedExtensionsWithKeyShare-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   187        "HelloRetryRequest-DuplicateCurve-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   188        "HelloRetryRequest-DuplicateCookie-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   189        "HelloRetryRequest-Unknown-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   190        "SendPostHandshakeChangeCipherSpec-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   191        "ECDSAKeyUsage-Server-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   192        "ECDSAKeyUsage-Server-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   193        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantEncipherment-GotEnciphermentTLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   194        "RSAKeyUsage-Server-WantSignature-GotEncipherment-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   195        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantSignature-GotSignature-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   196        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantEncipherment-GotEnciphermentTLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   197        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantSignature-GotSignature-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   198        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantEncipherment-GotEnciphermentTLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   199        "RSAKeyUsage-Server-WantSignature-GotEncipherment-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   200        "RSAKeyUsage-Server-WantSignature-GotEncipherment-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   201        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantSignature-GotSignature-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   202        "RSAKeyUsage-Client-WantSignature-GotSignature-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   203        "RSAKeyUsage-Server-WantSignature-GotEncipherment-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   204        "EmptyExtensions-ClientHello-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   205        "OmitExtensions-ClientHello-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   206        "EmptyExtensions-ClientHello-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   207        "OmitExtensions-ClientHello-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   208        "EmptyExtensions-ClientHello-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   209        "OmitExtensions-ClientHello-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   210        "DuplicateCertCompressionExt-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   211        "DuplicateCertCompressionExt-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   212        "Client-RejectJDK11DowngradeRandom": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   213        "CheckClientCertificateTypes": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   214        "CheckECDSACurve-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   215        "ALPNClient-RejectUnknown-TLS-TLS1": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   216        "ALPNClient-RejectUnknown-TLS-TLS11": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   217        "ALPNClient-RejectUnknown-TLS-TLS12": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   218        "ALPNClient-RejectUnknown-TLS-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   219        "ClientHelloPadding": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   220        "TLS13-ExpectTicketEarlyDataSupport": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   221        "TLS13-EarlyData-TooMuchData-Client-TLS-Sync": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   222        "TLS13-EarlyData-TooMuchData-Client-TLS-Sync-SplitHandshakeRecords": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   223        "TLS13-EarlyData-TooMuchData-Client-TLS-Sync-PackHandshake": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   224        "WrongMessageType-TLS13-EndOfEarlyData-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   225        "TrailingMessageData-TLS13-EndOfEarlyData-TLS": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   226        "SendHelloRetryRequest-2-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   227        "EarlyData-SkipEndOfEarlyData-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   228        "EarlyData-Server-BadFinished-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   229        "EarlyData-UnexpectedHandshake-Server-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   230        "EarlyData-CipherMismatch-Client-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed",
   231        "Resume-Server-UnofferedCipher-TLS13": "TODO: first pass, this should be fixed"
   232    }

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