
Text file src/internal/bytealg/compare_arm64.s

Documentation: internal/bytealg

     1// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5#include "go_asm.h"
     6#include "textflag.h"
     8TEXT ·Compare<ABIInternal>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-56
     9	// R0 = a_base (want in R0)
    10	// R1 = a_len  (want in R1)
    11	// R2 = a_cap  (unused)
    12	// R3 = b_base (want in R2)
    13	// R4 = b_len  (want in R3)
    14	// R5 = b_cap  (unused)
    15	MOVD	R3, R2
    16	MOVD	R4, R3
    17	B	cmpbody<>(SB)
    19TEXT runtime·cmpstring<ABIInternal>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-40
    20	// R0 = a_base
    21	// R1 = a_len
    22	// R2 = b_base
    23	// R3 = b_len
    24	B	cmpbody<>(SB)
    26// On entry:
    27// R0 points to the start of a
    28// R1 is the length of a
    29// R2 points to the start of b
    30// R3 is the length of b
    32// On exit:
    33// R0 is the result
    34// R4, R5, R6, R8, R9 and R10 are clobbered
    35TEXT cmpbody<>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0
    36	CMP	R0, R2
    37	BEQ	samebytes         // same starting pointers; compare lengths
    38	CMP	R1, R3
    39	CSEL	LT, R3, R1, R6    // R6 is min(R1, R3)
    41	CBZ	R6, samebytes
    42	BIC	$0xf, R6, R10
    43	CBZ	R10, small        // length < 16
    44	ADD	R0, R10           // end of chunk16
    45	// length >= 16
    47	LDP.P	16(R0), (R4, R8)
    48	LDP.P	16(R2), (R5, R9)
    49	CMP	R4, R5
    50	BNE	cmp
    51	CMP	R8, R9
    52	BNE	cmpnext
    53	CMP	R10, R0
    54	BNE	chunk16_loop
    55	AND	$0xf, R6, R6
    56	CBZ	R6, samebytes
    57	SUBS	$8, R6
    58	BLT	tail
    59	// the length of tail > 8 bytes
    60	MOVD.P	8(R0), R4
    61	MOVD.P	8(R2), R5
    62	CMP	R4, R5
    63	BNE	cmp
    64	SUB	$8, R6
    65	// compare last 8 bytes
    67	MOVD	(R0)(R6), R4
    68	MOVD	(R2)(R6), R5
    69	CMP	R4, R5
    70	BEQ	samebytes
    72	REV	R4, R4
    73	REV	R5, R5
    74	CMP	R4, R5
    76	MOVD	$1, R0
    77	CNEG	HI, R0, R0
    78	RET
    80	TBZ	$3, R6, lt_8
    81	MOVD	(R0), R4
    82	MOVD	(R2), R5
    83	CMP	R4, R5
    84	BNE	cmp
    85	SUBS	$8, R6
    86	BEQ	samebytes
    87	ADD	$8, R0
    88	ADD	$8, R2
    89	SUB	$8, R6
    90	B	tail
    92	TBZ	$2, R6, lt_4
    93	MOVWU	(R0), R4
    94	MOVWU	(R2), R5
    95	CMPW	R4, R5
    96	BNE	cmp
    97	SUBS	$4, R6
    98	BEQ	samebytes
    99	ADD	$4, R0
   100	ADD	$4, R2
   102	TBZ	$1, R6, lt_2
   103	MOVHU	(R0), R4
   104	MOVHU	(R2), R5
   105	CMPW	R4, R5
   106	BNE	cmp
   107	ADD	$2, R0
   108	ADD	$2, R2
   110	TBZ	$0, R6, samebytes
   112	MOVBU	(R0), R4
   113	MOVBU	(R2), R5
   114	CMPW	R4, R5
   115	BNE	ret
   117	CMP	R3, R1
   118	CSET	NE, R0
   119	CNEG	LO, R0, R0
   120	RET
   122	REV	R8, R4
   123	REV	R9, R5
   124	CMP	R4, R5
   125	B	ret

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