
Text file src/runtime/asan_amd64.s

Documentation: runtime

     1// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5//go:build asan
     7#include "go_asm.h"
     8#include "go_tls.h"
     9#include "funcdata.h"
    10#include "textflag.h"
    12// This is like race_amd64.s, but for the asan calls.
    13// See race_amd64.s for detailed comments.
    15#ifdef GOOS_windows
    16#define RARG0 CX
    17#define RARG1 DX
    18#define RARG2 R8
    19#define RARG3 R9
    21#define RARG0 DI
    22#define RARG1 SI
    23#define RARG2 DX
    24#define RARG3 CX
    27// Called from instrumented code.
    28// func runtime·doasanread(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz, sp, pc uintptr)
    29TEXT	runtime·doasanread(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32
    30	MOVQ	addr+0(FP), RARG0
    31	MOVQ	sz+8(FP), RARG1
    32	MOVQ	sp+16(FP), RARG2
    33	MOVQ	pc+24(FP), RARG3
    34	// void __asan_read_go(void *addr, uintptr_t sz, void *sp, void *pc);
    35	MOVQ	$__asan_read_go(SB), AX
    36	JMP	asancall<>(SB)
    38// func runtime·doasanwrite(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz, sp, pc uintptr)
    39TEXT	runtime·doasanwrite(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-32
    40	MOVQ	addr+0(FP), RARG0
    41	MOVQ	sz+8(FP), RARG1
    42	MOVQ	sp+16(FP), RARG2
    43	MOVQ	pc+24(FP), RARG3
    44	// void __asan_write_go(void *addr, uintptr_t sz, void *sp, void *pc);
    45	MOVQ	$__asan_write_go(SB), AX
    46	JMP	asancall<>(SB)
    48// func runtime·asanunpoison(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)
    49TEXT	runtime·asanunpoison(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
    50	MOVQ	addr+0(FP), RARG0
    51	MOVQ	sz+8(FP), RARG1
    52	// void __asan_unpoison_go(void *addr, uintptr_t sz);
    53	MOVQ	$__asan_unpoison_go(SB), AX
    54	JMP	asancall<>(SB)
    56// func runtime·asanpoison(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)
    57TEXT	runtime·asanpoison(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
    58	MOVQ	addr+0(FP), RARG0
    59	MOVQ	sz+8(FP), RARG1
    60	// void __asan_poison_go(void *addr, uintptr_t sz);
    61	MOVQ	$__asan_poison_go(SB), AX
    62	JMP	asancall<>(SB)
    64// func runtime·asanregisterglobals(addr unsafe.Pointer, n uintptr)
    65TEXT	runtime·asanregisterglobals(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-16
    66	MOVQ	addr+0(FP), RARG0
    67	MOVQ	n+8(FP), RARG1
    68	// void __asan_register_globals_go(void *addr, uintptr_t n);
    69	MOVQ	$__asan_register_globals_go(SB), AX
    70	JMP	asancall<>(SB)
    72// Switches SP to g0 stack and calls (AX). Arguments already set.
    73TEXT	asancall<>(SB), NOSPLIT, $0-0
    74	get_tls(R12)
    75	MOVQ	g(R12), R14
    76	MOVQ	SP, R12		// callee-saved, preserved across the CALL
    77	CMPQ	R14, $0
    78	JE	call	// no g; still on a system stack
    80	MOVQ	g_m(R14), R13
    81	// Switch to g0 stack.
    82	MOVQ	m_g0(R13), R10
    83	CMPQ	R10, R14
    84	JE	call	// already on g0
    86	MOVQ	(g_sched+gobuf_sp)(R10), SP
    88	ANDQ	$~15, SP	// alignment for gcc ABI
    89	CALL	AX
    90	MOVQ	R12, SP
    91	RET

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