
Package imports

import "cmd/go/internal/imports"

Overview ▾


var ErrNoGo = fmt.Errorf("no Go source files")
var KnownArch = map[string]bool{
    "386":         true,
    "amd64":       true,
    "amd64p32":    true,
    "arm":         true,
    "armbe":       true,
    "arm64":       true,
    "arm64be":     true,
    "ppc64":       true,
    "ppc64le":     true,
    "mips":        true,
    "mipsle":      true,
    "mips64":      true,
    "mips64le":    true,
    "mips64p32":   true,
    "mips64p32le": true,
    "loong64":     true,
    "ppc":         true,
    "riscv":       true,
    "riscv64":     true,
    "s390":        true,
    "s390x":       true,
    "sparc":       true,
    "sparc64":     true,
    "wasm":        true,
var KnownOS = map[string]bool{
    "aix":       true,
    "android":   true,
    "darwin":    true,
    "dragonfly": true,
    "freebsd":   true,
    "hurd":      true,
    "illumos":   true,
    "ios":       true,
    "js":        true,
    "linux":     true,
    "nacl":      true,
    "netbsd":    true,
    "openbsd":   true,
    "plan9":     true,
    "solaris":   true,
    "wasip1":    true,
    "windows":   true,
    "zos":       true,

func AnyTags

func AnyTags() map[string]bool

AnyTags returns a special set of build tags that satisfy nearly all build tag expressions. Only "ignore" and malformed build tag requirements are considered false.

func Eval

func Eval(x constraint.Expr, tags map[string]bool, prefer bool) bool

Eval is like

x.Eval(func(tag string) bool { return matchTag(tag, tags) })

except that it implements the special case for tags["*"] meaning all tags are both true and false at the same time.

func MatchFile

func MatchFile(name string, tags map[string]bool) bool

MatchFile returns false if the name contains a $GOOS or $GOARCH suffix which does not match the current system. The recognized name formats are:



if GOOS=android, then files with GOOS=linux are also matched.
if GOOS=illumos, then files with GOOS=solaris are also matched.
if GOOS=ios, then files with GOOS=darwin are also matched.

If tags["*"] is true, then MatchFile will consider all possible GOOS and GOARCH to be available and will consequently always return true.

func ReadComments

func ReadComments(f io.Reader) ([]byte, error)

ReadComments is like io.ReadAll, except that it only reads the leading block of comments in the file.

func ReadImports

func ReadImports(f io.Reader, reportSyntaxError bool, imports *[]string) ([]byte, error)

ReadImports is like io.ReadAll, except that it expects a Go file as input and stops reading the input once the imports have completed.

func ScanDir

func ScanDir(dir string, tags map[string]bool) ([]string, []string, error)

func ScanFiles

func ScanFiles(files []string, tags map[string]bool) ([]string, []string, error)

func ShouldBuild

func ShouldBuild(content []byte, tags map[string]bool) bool

ShouldBuild reports whether it is okay to use this file, The rule is that in the file's leading run of // comments and blank lines, which must be followed by a blank line (to avoid including a Go package clause doc comment), lines beginning with '// +build' are taken as build directives.

The file is accepted only if each such line lists something matching the file. For example:

// +build windows linux

marks the file as applicable only on Windows and Linux.

If tags["*"] is true, then ShouldBuild will consider every build tag except "ignore" to be both true and false for the purpose of satisfying build tags, in order to estimate (conservatively) whether a file could ever possibly be used in any build.

func Tags

func Tags() map[string]bool

Tags returns a set of build tags that are true for the target platform. It includes GOOS, GOARCH, the compiler, possibly "cgo", release tags like "go1.13", and user-specified build tags.